In Short

I need a pair of swim trunks like..yesterday. I can't believe how hard it is to find a decent pair that is both stylish and functional. These shorts by Baron Wells are the closest thing I've seen to a pretty much perfect pair of shorts for swimming and possibly strutting about town afterwards. They look so clean and minimal you almost want to frame them and hang them on your wall. Unfortunately, by the time I save up enough scratch to buy them it will be time to break out the fall gear again.


  1. Like your blog! Especially dig the Levi's 501 bookmark! Good luck.

  2. Wait for the Fall sales and hope they don't go out of stock, I guess. I mean, if we're building a wardrobe to wear the rest of our lives, don't we have the rest of our lives to build it? I wouldn't be in a rush.

  3. @ Paul- Thanks! Just trying to do my part for the environment.

    @ The Enthusiast- I'll check to see if they do go on sale. Thanks for talking me off the ledge.
